Friday, 17 September 2010

The Principles Of Photography

This is bluntly to see how the camera sees, because when you take a picture it is a freeze frame of what we see kind of like when you stare at something for a long time. good pictures are never just be taken they take skill to understand how to produce good quality images because what sells an image is if it catches the attention of the person viewing it, this important when preparing to capture an image that you manage to capture as many of the features as possible. this will make the image.

The Centre of Interest 
This is the main focus of the image, this is that awesome thing that you have been wanting to see for ages and want a memory of it, like a photo of a live band, famous land mark like the pyramids or just random times with your friends. The great thing about the centre of interest is it can always tell a story of what the image is and how it led to being captured.

Viewpoint and Camera Angle 
Firstly is the camera angle and when taking an image it is important to get this right so the best possible image is made. making sure you get this angle right is  important because if you are taking a picture of your mate for example if you mess up the angle you will end up cutting peoples heads up or getting a bird in the top corner of the picture. 
secondly is your viewpoint this where you are going to take the image. a good example of this is tourists because they take thousands of photos and if the go somewhere like the Devonshire coast they could use the cliff side as a viewpoint to get a good angle of the cliff edge and the beach maybe?, a clever use of a viewpoint is positioning yourself in a way so that you can fit in a land mark or object and stand next to it to show that you are quite tall here is an example  

This is a principle that factors to everyone because almost everyone has had an image ruined by bad lighting. I myself have sometimes been boggled why pictures are ruined when there is only a little bit of light but I have recently learnt that light has everything to do with a decent image. the reason images don't come out too good is because not enough light is going into the aperture thus producing a shadowy image, this can be taken away by using a light source. natural light is the best.

Shutter Speed
this is a clever feature that is a custom to most cameras and camera phones of today and it quite simply changes the speed that the shutter opens and closes, its kind of like a when you open and close a door really quickly. this is the weapon of choice for the paparazzi because with a high shutter speed it allows you to take a huge amount of images in a small amount of time and if its a good camera the image will always come out great.

The background is an important part of the photographic process because it will always show.
so when you are taking a photo always make sure that you make sure that there is nothing that can spoil your image or obscure the point of interest.

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