Friday, 17 September 2010

The Evolution Of PinHole Cameras to the Cameras Of Today

PinHole Cameras were the first line in photograhy as an art form and a science of projecting an image of the users surroundings and captureing them onto paper.
the very first in hole camera was invented in 10,000AD and with a principle that was founded in 330BC by Aristotle asking the important question why does light make a circlular image when it shine through a square hole.

Cameras soon began to develop and become popular in the late victoria era, the photographic technology had evolved from the simple box to a bellow but kept the same prinsiples for example apetures, how the picture or image was taken and the development stage. development was placing the images in development solution to produce the image on the paper.

during the 19th century technology behind photograph radicaly changed with a radical new paper and even the beginning of colour photography, this was done by inserting coloured filters inwith the apeture the reason they produced colour was becasue the filters were red blue and yellow and the light refecting on them produced multiple colours.

when the 20th century there was alot of conflict during the early years but photography tech did improve with the introduction of film to cameras and full colour photography, this was then shown as an art form and showcased to the world.
a new type of camera was invented by a company called poloroid where the image that you have taken is printed before your eyes but went bankrupt in 2001

digital cameras were introduced in high end cameras in the 80s and perfected in the 90s so by the new Millenium digital cameras became the norm.

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